The Core Method

Education must be educational, with the heart at its Core

Imparting knowledge that is necessary, with the necessary respect

Jasmin Hanna-María

Take the page as an idea pitch. Educators, supporters please contact me using the form on my about page

Core, Child and Young Adult Education

Education based on the universal child development. That is learned, with support and knowledge to be able to navigate the present. Knowledge like reading, writing and arithmetic adapted to each individual so that it is to the benefit of themselves.

Jasmin Hanna María

We'll never again find ourselves in a reality where the educational system leaves one empty, not doing its justice but rather fulfilled because it's doing us justice.

The center, what phase of development the child is in, purely psychologically and physically (a 5-year-old child can absorb explanations that are simple but can no longer follow complicated ones) something that can be recognized in about the same way in every child that age.

And then

  • Addressing each child individually (who they are as a person, what realities they are already used to)
  • Developing the way of transmitting based on how far along all children are in the development phases (as already mentioned)
  • Knowledge that changes the narrative, gives a truthful wider view, inspires, helps to navigate, and encourages to be passionate about coming to conclusions
  • But its pace is adjusted by perceiving the student, so through the learned knowledge, she/he/they can navigate its own present better
  • Knowledge that changes the narrative, gives a truthful wider view, inspires, helps to navigate, and encourages to be passionate about coming to conclusions, fulfilling the world with your uniqueness

The center, what phase of development the child is in (psychologically and physically) often times recognized by age.

  • Developing the way of transmitting based on how far along all children are in the development phases
    Addressing each child individually (who they are as a person, what realities they are already used to).
    • Its pace is adjusted by perceiving the student, so through the learned knowledge, she/he/they can navigate their present better


Intrapersonal | Corporal | Interpersonal | Langustic | [...]

Possibility to get more into detail, in many areas.

Knowledge that brings us further, offers the best opportunity to unfold and develop. For the brightest present and future ahead.

I refuse to settle for less.

Jasmin Hanna María

When it comes to pre-school, Core warmly welcomes the Montessori Method.

We strongly recommend the article published in 2019 by the German daily newspaper Die Welt „90 Prozent der Inhalte kann man streichen“ written by Anna Krönig. It holds study and facts about what parents actually want for their children's education and how the german school system may not correspond to that. It also brings us the explanation to the pressure that has been on students across Germany for at least two decades, the "Pisa Schock" that happened in 2001/2002. And so that German students can finally do better than average, more and more tests of learning success have followed since then.